Wednesday, January 04, 2006

State Prison Warden Receives a Tract

I recently read a great article by Ray Comfort about fear of man - and not being embarrassed or ashamed of a person. Today, I was out at lunch with a friend when I noticed the Warden of a State Prison was having lunch with several of his associates at a table nearby. I recognized him from newspaper photos. I thought it would be good to give him a tract, but didn’t want to interrupt.

While we were part-way through our meal I noticed he and his associates had just finished their lunch and were getting up to leave. I got up, walked over, and asked if he was the warden and shared how I recognized him. I asked if he had ever gotten a million dollar bill tract before – and he hadn’t – but he liked it. We chatted a bit, and I also gave him a ticket to heaven (he said he needed one of those). Since I had several of each tract, I gave him extras that he could pass along to others. He then thanked me and headed out. In looking back I realized I should have introduced myself by name, but in being caught up in the moment I didn’t.

So, it was a good opportunity to give a tract to a person who I would consider to be somewhat important, while at the same time a good learning opportunity (it is always good to introduce myself to people by name as it shows respect - although I don't want to do it out of pride).

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