Friday, January 06, 2006

Errands Take Longer...

Sharing with others can lengthen the time it takes to run errands - sometimes quite a bit!

I had to run some errands over lunch. I stopped back by the dry-cleaner and talked with the same lady as last week. I asked if she had read the tracts and she said ‘yes’. I asked if she had gotten right with God and she said ‘no’. I said “Isn’t that taking an awfully big risk? Because you could die at any moment” – and she agreed. I left her the Ray Comfort “Save Yourself some Pain” tract and said I would be praying for her.

Then, it was off to Wal-Mart. I gave a lady I passed in the store a million dollar bill and pointed out the gospel message on the back – she thanked me for it. After checking out I gave the checker a million dollar bill and an IQ test – she was appreciative of both and started to read them right then (no one else was in line behind me). She laughed about the fact that it was one of those IQ tests that has trick questions, but I also encouraged her not to skip the important one about the gospel. She asked if there were answers on the back as she flipped it over – I told her not to read the answers first!

As I was leaving a fellow was outside the door having a cigarette. I asked if he had gotten one of the million dollar bills before, and he said ‘yes’ (but he still took it). I said that was fine, he could pass this one on to someone else, and pointed out the gospel message on the back. He asked what church we go to, and we started talking. It wasn’t long before the good person test came up (he was a nominal Catholic that was, as he admitted, headed for hell). I gave him a New Testament and showed him how to follow the chain of Scriptures that discuss salvation.

In the parking lot I asked two ladies if they would like a ticket to heaven, the one looked at the other and they kept walking past without accepting it – the other lady called back “we’re all going to heaven”. Two lessons learned:
  1. Don’t say it’s a ticket to heaven, simply hand it to them and ask “Did you get one of these?” They probably won’t be as defensive, or perhaps they’ll ask what it is...
  2. Also, the proper response when someone says that everyone is going to heaven is to ask “Even murders?” That way, if they keep walking off they at least have the question in their mind that not everyone is going to heaven.

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