Monday, March 06, 2006

Ordering a Chair from a "Semi-Concerned" Person

We needed a new chair in the office and had recently received a catalog from an office furniture supply company. They had a number of nice-looking ergonomic chairs, as well as an extended warranty. I gave them a call to confirm the length of their warranty (15 years!) and to see about ordering a chair.

I talked with a customer service representative who was helpful and answered my various questions. I then placed a chair on order. In the midst of the call she had to put me on hold to answer another line, so I knew they were a bit busy.

Following the order, I said it sounded like she was fairly busy, but if she had another minute I had a quick off-topic question for her. She was curious, and said to go ahead. I asked if she had ever taken the “good person” test – and she said she hadn’t. She was up for it, so we started into it.

She had fun with the test, and we looked at lying, stealing, and blasphemy. She readily admitted each offense. I had told her up front that there was a moral to the story – so, after summarizing her results (she laughed as we went through the results), I said, here is the moral of the story: if you were to die tonight and God judged you based on His ten commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? She quickly said “I’d be guilty.” I then said, “and where would you spend eternity, in heaven or hell?” She replied, “Hell, I guess.”

I asked if that concerned her, and she said ‘yes.’ After I asked if she had heard the gospel before and if she had a Bible, I once again asked how she was doing time-wise. She said it was a little longer than she had expected (I thought I was going fairly quickly – and had left out the illustration about the car accident and the court of law!) and she would probably need to go. I was surprised that a moment ago she had expressed concern over spending an eternity in hell, but here she was too busy to hear the solution to her problem! I said I understood she was busy, thanked her for helping me with the chair order, and for taking the test, and then encouraged her to think about those ten commandments and her relationship with God, and to visit for further information.

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