Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Yet another open customer service rep...

We’re back on the road for another few weeks (ministry trip). We are praying that the Lord will provide many open doors to share the gospel as we travel and share at a few small conferences.

Before leaving I called in to our cell phone company to have the data plan changed around a bit. I talked with a gentleman who helped me get everything squared away (actually, later, I found out it was the wrong package and I had to call back in – but at the time, it appeared everything was set!).

After he had helped me with the data plan he asked if there was anything else he could do to help me out. I said the cell phone was all set, but that I had another question not related to cell phones for him – if he had a minute. I had been praying (in my heart) during the phone call that the Lord would give me an opportunity to share with him, and when I asked the question I was praying that the Lord would give him a favorable reply.

He said – “go ahead”. I even double-checked his availability by saying something to the effect of “I know you probably have other calls coming in, but this’ll be quick” – and he again said “not a problem, I have time.”

I asked if he had ever heard of or taken the good person test, and he said that he hadn’t. I said it only takes a few minutes and has a “moral” at the end (that’s how unbelievers would view a spiritual truth, although salvation is far greater than simply a “moral”!). I asked if he considered himself a good person, and he said that most of the time, but, if he’s honest, not all the time. I was impressed with his answer, because a lot of people simply say “Yep, I’m good.”

I asked if he was familiar with the ten commandments, and he was. I asked if he felt he had kept all of them, none of them, or some of them. He felt he had kept most of them – but, again, to be honest, he had broken some of them.

I shared the honesty is a good one to start with, since it is the 9th commandment, that we are to never tell a lie. I acknowledged that I have told lies, and asked if he ever had. He said he had, and when I asked what that would make both he and I, he came up with the word “liars”.

The 8th commandment is that we are to not steal anything. I shared that I have stolen in the past, and that most people have stolen something when they were young, but tend to do less as they grow older - and I asked if he had ever stolen something. He acknowledged that he had stolen something when he was younger. I asked what that would make both of us and he said “thieves”.

The 3rd commandment is to not take God’s name in vain, and while he couldn’t remember a specific time, he was confident he had at some point. I said God calls that “blasphemy”.

I then said that, while people would look at him and see a good person, and he was able to get our cell phone all squared away, God would look at his heart, or mine, and see someone that is a lying, thieving, blasphemer at heart.

I asked if he were to die, and God were to judge him based on those ten commandments, as He says He will, would he be innocent or guilty. He said that, based on those commandments, he would be guilty.

I asked where he would then spend eternity, heaven or hell? He paused for a moment, and said that, he couldn’t say because his coworkers might misunderstand the conversation and think he was swearing, but that it was rather obvious.

I appreciated his sensitivity, and asked if his eternal destination concerned him – it did.

I then spent a few minutes sharing the gospel with him, and encouraging him to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He has a Bible at his house, and I encouraged him to be reading in the book of John.

As we talked, I shared the difference between head knowledge (knowing about what Jesus has done for someone – as one would know a historical fact), versus life-changing repentance (actually turning away from the sin in ones life and living fully surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ) and belief in Jesus. He understood it to the point where he said most people know about Jesus with head knowledge – but they aren’t willing to change the way they life with heart knowledge.

I was surprised at his understanding of what he needed to do, but was saddened that he wouldn’t actually take the step and be broken before the Lord, but I have been praying for his salvation…

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