Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Nursing Home Catholics (very sad)

Catholics that are living in nursing homes are some of the saddest people I know. And truly, if I was in their shoes (approaching death with no hope of heaven) I would be more than sad – I would be petrified.

There are two people at the nursing home that I have invited (a number of times) to attend our service. We preach God’s Word, and most Catholics claim to believe what the Bible says. I have encouraged these two to attend the service, listen to the preaching, and let me know if any word is spoken that isn’t supported by Scripture. Both have, so far, refused to attend. The one is a woman who prefers to spend the time in her room watching TV and reading secular romance novels. I have never seen her reading a Bible and have not seen one in her room. The other is a man (they aren’t related), who prefers to sit by the nurse’s station and read Western novels instead of attending. He doesn’t own or read the Bible. I asked if he would like a Bible (I was going to give him one as a gift) and he said “no”.

We did have a Catholic lady attend our service this last time. She is a relatively new resident at the nursing home. As we spoke of the Lord and her background, she shared that she was a Catholic. I said she was still welcome to attend our service as we worship the Lord Jesus Christ and we preach God’s Word. As we talked, I asked her how a Catholic gets to heaven. Her response was heartbreaking: by attending Mass, taking communion, and attending church (the importance of attending Catholic services was so burned into her mind that she said it twice with different words). No mention of sin, salvation, redemption, or the Lord Jesus Christ.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

These people have been lied to and deceived throughout their entire lives (and yes, they, as everyone, ultimately bear the responsibility for believing the lies and not repenting and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ) – and it breaks my heart to see them so close to eternity.

I would implore and beg any Catholic that happens to see this blog: begin reading your Bible before it is too late! While the sooner you forsake false doctrine and repent of your sins and believe in Jesus – the better – all I ask is that you begin by reading God’s Word to see if the things your church teaches you are in accordance with what God says in His Word.

If you will sit down, open God’s Word, and pray “God, if you are real, and if this is your Word, I ask you to reveal Yourself to me. AND, as you reveal Yourself to me, I commit to obeying what You tell me to do” I guarantee He will reveal Himself to you. How can I make such a promise? Actually, God Himself says that He will.

John 7:17 “If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.”

Meaning that if you desire to do God’s will, He will reveal truth to you.

If you will commit to spending 30 minutes a day reading the New Testament with an open heart as you seek God – your life will never be the same.

I have yet to meet a Catholic that spends time in the Word on a daily basis. (I’m not saying such a person doesn’t exist, it’s just that out of the many Catholics I have met, I haven’t yet come across one that reads God’s Word on a daily basis).

1 comment:

Rand said...

"I have yet to meet a Catholic that spends time in the Word on a daily basis."


And I am from a predominantly Romanist family.

