Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Friendly Tax Agent

While on the trip out of country I was preparing a workshop that dealt with business. Since a portion of the workshop addressed taxes, I realized I needed some information about that country’s tax system (yes – the smart thing would have been to deal with the issue before leaving on the trip, but I don’t recall ever referring to myself as smart). While at the hotel I did a little research on the internet and then called their tax agency. I spoke with a helpful lady about the various tax laws – probably 15 minutes of tax talk. Afterwards, I thanked her, said all my tax questions were set, but mentioned that I had an off-topic question if she had a minute.

She was curious, and asked what I wanted to know. I asked about the good person test and then started into it. She was open – and laughed as we worked our way through it. She admitted guilt. But it was interesting to hear her arguments against God when we got to guilt/innocence and then destiny. On the one hand, she was amazingly open and understood everything I was sharing, and yet on the other hand she didn’t seem to fully believe in God. I attributed some of it to the different culture (less open belief in God) – but what a blessing to be able to share with someone that was so open!

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